Related Conditions:
- A Compressed Nerve
- Arthritic Spur Formation
- Arthritis
- Bursitis
- Compressed Disk
- Disarticulated Vertebrae
- Gluteal Muscle Atrophy
- Herniated Disk
- Inflammation of the Sciatic Nerve
- Intervertebrae Disk Protrusion
- Kidney Stones
- Lumbar Spine
- Ruptured Disk
- Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
- Sciatica
- Spinal Nerve Root Compression
- Unexplained Disk Problem
- Can’t turn over in bed
- Constantly changing positions while sitting
- Coughing or sneezing is painful
- Deep pain in the pelvis
- Difficulty getting out of a chair
- Excruciating lower back pain
- Hard to stand or walk
- Hurts to raise thigh towards your stomach
- Lower back pain
- Lower abdomen pain
- Pain and stiffness in the groin
- Pain in the Hip
- Buttocks
- Sharp pain in groin
- Stiffness in your hip or groin
- Strained muscle
- Walk with your feet turned out
- Auto Accidents
- Catching yourself from falling
- Climbing or unaccustomed gym exercises
- Contorted yoga positions
- Excess body weight
- Falls
- Getting in and out of the car
- Groin pull
- Habitually standing on one leg or the other
- Keeping legs up while sleeping
- Morton’s foot
- One side of pelvis is smaller
- Over doing any activity that requires strong or repeated hip flexion
- Persistent pain after hip surgery
- Poor conditioning
- Sitting cross legged
- Sitting on hard surfaces
- Sitting too much
- Sudden vigorous twisting movement with foot planted
- Taking long steps or strides
- Tension from common emotional stress
- Waddling walk